
Access Bank Partners Carrington Fellowship To Empower Nigerian Youths

As part of efforts to commemo­rate the International Youth Day, Access Bank Plc. has partnered with the Carrington Youth Fel­lowship Initiative (CYFI), a pro­gramme of the U.S. Mission in Nigeria, to build the capacity of young Nigerians.

The initiative named after former American Ambassador to Nigeria, Walter Carrington, is investing in the leadership capac­ity of young people in Nigeria to drive proactive civic engagement that promotes good governance, economic development, accessi­ble healthcare, inclusive educa­tion and civil liberties.

The one-year long training programme, which empowered 47 youths in Lagos, Oyo, and Ogun states, ended with a one-day workshop and graduation ceremony on August 8, 2023, at the residence of the U.S. Consul General in Lagos.

The Carrington Fellowship Mission will empower young Nigerians with proactive engage­ment, training, collaboration and networking opportunities that promote careers development, and build organisations, and drive active citizenry.

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The fellowship, known for its commitment to nurturing emerg­ing leaders, showcased its unwav­ering dedication to empowering talent within the region.

CYFI President, Olusola Owonikoko, said Access Bank Plc’s involvement in social impact development exemplifies its role as a responsible corporate citizen with multifaceted approach, en­compassing education, empow­erment, and sustainability that reflects a genuine commitment to making a positive difference in communities and driving holistic progress.


He pointed out that the suc­cess of the 2022 CYFI Fellowship is a testament to Access Bank’s profound impact from inception to execution of this cohort, which has consistently demonstrated exceptional dedication in spon­soring the fellows in Oyo State and the health team in Lagos State.